Body Contours - Changi Airport T3

Changi Airport Terminal 3
65 Airport Blvd
Tel: 6241 2178
Operating hours: 7:00am-11:00pm daily

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1 comment:

  1. To whom it may concern,

    I currently live in Bali, Indonesia as a spa and wellness consultant. Due to the fact that I travel alot, I am always relieved to be in transit thru the Changi Airport in Singapore since I ALWAYS go to Body Contours there. I have always had a positive experience throughout the years and have always continued to come back as a loyal customer. I was recentely there on March 4th and decided to get my hair washed and blow dried before I boarded my long flight to San Francisco. I was greeted by a nice woman who spoke ZERO English but I managed to tell her what I needed that day. She gave me a wonderful hair wash and that was where the quality and service ended. I have extremely long and thick hair and it needs to be properly dried and done. She had no idea how to use a blow drier or brushes, attempting to dry it on a cool setting and completely tangling my hair in all the brushes. It was the most slow, annoying, grueling process ever! I was so frustrated that I ended up doing my own hair in the end. Then she did not know how to process my credit card thru the machine. I only had 45 minutes to catch my flight and I was getting nervous. I also ended up using the credit card machine and processing my own transaction. The service was shocking. I can not believe that I paid $27.82 for that service. I should have paid myself since I did all the work. I can not believe that you have employed someone who obviously has NO skills whatsoever. It was not a great experience at all and I think you should be aware of who is representing your company and the awful service they are providing.It was totally disappointing and I was not impressed.


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